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Care Levels

When someone needs care, the level of care they require determines the home placement and rates.

Personal care: Need for significant care

This level is for people who need help performing at least 2 actions in the areas of personal hygiene, nutrition or mobility at least once a day.  The help required for basic care and housekeeping must be at least 1.5 hours a day, where more than 45 minutes must be in basic care areas.  Also, there is a need for housekeeping tasks several times a week.

Assisted care: Severe need for care

This level is for people who need help in the areas of personal hygiene, nutrition or mobility at least 3 times a day at various times.  The help required for basic care and housekeeping must be at least 3 hours a day, where at least 2 hours must be in basic care areas.  Also, there is a need for housekeeping tasks several times a week.

Directed care: Most severe need for care

This level is for people who need 24-hour help with personal hygiene, nutrition or mobility.  The help required for basic care and housekeeping must be at least 5 hours a day, where at least 4 hours must be in basic care areas.  There is a need for housekeeping tasks several times a week.